Defenders is a retro-style shoot-em-up game where you customize your spaceship and embark on a mission to defend the Earth from an outer space threat. Use special abilities and your own skills to advance through six levels, beating six bosses and bringing peace once again.


WASD / Left Stick -> move the spaceship / navigate the menu

P  / B (on Xbox controller) -> shoot / skip entire dialogue

L  / A (on Xbox controller) -> charged shot / confirm menu selection

K / X (on Xbox controller) -> use ability

O / Y (on Xbox controller) -> hide/show HUD

This is just a little demo project of mine and I don't intend to release any update or patch.  It may have some bugs, I apologize in advance for that. Hope you enjoy it anyway and thank you for your time!

The project is entirely made by me EXCEPT for the music. All credits goes to the respective artists:

moodmode - 8 Bit Air Fight

moodmode - 8 Bit Arcade Mode

Purrsahfef - 8 Bit Space

DSTechnician - The Dying

lucadialessandro - Music For Arcade Style Game

Pixabay - WinSquare


Defenders 42 MB

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